Particle Systems

Created with another student


All of the particles shown use Eulerian integration.

Bouncing Ball:

The particle in here is a ball which bounces in 2D. It moves to the right of the screen initially, and eventually come to rest on the right side of the screen.


A particle System which is meant to represent water coming out of a bottle. The water arcs and then splashes when it hits the ground. Within this example the user is able to move a wall towards and away from the bottle. This represents the collision the water will have with the wall. Each water particle is textured with a water image. As time goes on the water particle changes colors from dark blue to light blue. The water particles are translucent and after the initial impact of the splash become more translucent. Because the particles are 2D images, we have them rotate with the camera, which helps create a 3D effect. Water particles are randomly rotated to remove the square look. Context: Magic potion with endless water.


When the screen loads, three different colored ray guns are shown. When the user presses f, a bullet is fired out of one of the guns (moves left to right, then back to left). The bullet will rise in the air for a few seconds then explode. When the explosion occurs the bullet disappears and three rounds of fireworks are seen. A blue firework, then an red, followed slightly after those with an orange one. The particles slowly fade as time go on and are effected by gravity (very mildly). The explosions come from a randomly sampled sphere. Context: Gun which shoots fireworks.



Each particle system will run in its own file.



Video One
Video Two, Phone

Due to lag from recording on laptop, another video from phone is offered to better capture smoothness.


Video One
Second Video, Higher Quality



Hardware: Macbook Pro 2017, Intel Iris Plus Graphics (10)

Water: 8000 particles, 33 FPS

Fireworks: 6000 particles, 40 FPS



Ball In Air

Ball in air

Ball Stopped

Ball stopped


Water Particles

General picture of the particle setting

Bottle Close Up

Close up of the arc from the bottle

Particle ground Interaction

Up close picture of water particle after it has hit the ground

Water Splash

The splash of the water

Water Wall Collision

The splash colliding with a wall

The splash colliding with a wall, far away

The splash colliding with a wall, far away

Water Wall Direct Contact

The water flow colliding with a wall

Water Texture

Texture used for water particles



Initial state of scene

Firework Phase 1

Firework phase 1

Firework Phase 2

Firework phase 2

Fireworks Multiple Bullets

Firework with multiple bullets

Fireworks Several Explosions

Firework with several explosions

Fireworks Bullets And Explosions

Firework with several explosions with bullets

Tools/Libraries Used:


Processing’s Tutorials:

Processing Documentation:

Water Texture:
